Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Getting Started

I can't even tell you how many times I've written posts that are called "Getting Started"... it's a little bit ridiculous, actually. But, I've been trying--okay, really "trying"--to start an online magazine for way too many years, and haven't been on the ball about that. Partly, I think, I needed to multidimensionalize my identity a little bit more. However, I've also avoided all writing during that time, and that's my biggest way of expressing myself. I used to be a quiet girl. Anyone who knows me now would probably never believe that, but I've realized it's just that I love words so much. However, thanks to my dad, I now have a new laptop. A new apartment, a new husband, and a new job all wrap up the fact that it's time to get back to the old me. The me I liked, with an awesome identity and who wrote a lot and loved herself and knew how to STFU every once in a while. If I get my words out on the page, or the screen, whatever, maybe I'll have less to say out loud, or re-learn how to say it more concisely, or at least know that it's got the chance to be heard uninterrupted, which usually is my issue when I talk. Well, it's one of many issues. However, most of them stem from the fact that really, I'm a writer (and fabulous editor, if I do say so myself, which I do), not a conversationalist. I can come up with witty lines and accurate descriptions when I'm writing them all down. My thoughts are colorful and articulate. When I'm in conversations, it just comes out all wrong. It's like an incredible movie or TV actress who rarely gets the shot in one take but when she gets it, brings this incredible dimension to the scene, transitioning to Broadway. Yeah, that's not gonna work so well, that's not the type of actress she is. Well, that's not the type of wordsmith I am and it's time to own up to that and get back to real me. Who is she? I guess we'll see.

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